IEEE Students United SIG (special interest group) is a multi-institution cooperative IEEE Student Organization to foster and facilitate large scale events and...
News and posts
IEEE Educational Activities and IEEE Education Society are proud to announce the launch of the Teaching Excellence Hub. This website serves as a resource that...
IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section Sustainability Chapter Webinar High Efficiency Electric Motors – Sustainability Where It Matters Speaker: Avid Boustani...
TOPIC: “Using a Scaled-Up Software-Defined Server as an Alternative to Scaling Out” SPEAKER: Ike Nassi, Founder, CTO and Chair, TidalScale DATE:...
This workshop/webinar is intended for engineers, technical leads, project leaders, and functional managers who want to practice the fundamentals of project...
IEEE-USA is offering three FREE half-day virtual professional development events this year: EVOnCampus 1.0 and 2.0, plus EVOPro. The focus will be on helping...
TOPIC: FLEET — Fast Lanes for Expedited Execution at 10 Terabits SPEAKER: Fred Douglis, Chief Scientist, Perspecta Labs, Basking Ridge, NJ DATE:...
Nominations for Outstanding Section Awards – Deadline 15 May 2021 Each year, the MGA Outstanding Section Awards are presented to one large, one medium, and one...
Webinar with Tom Coughlin, 2019 IEEE-USA President Date and Time Date: 05 Apr 2021 Time: 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM As a former President of IEEE USA, Tom Coughlin...