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15th Santa Clara Valley Industry Spotlight – Future of Workforce


TALK TITLE: Future of Workforce

SPEAKER: Dejan Milojicic, Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs
DATE: Thursday, October 28th 2021, 7am PT (Pacific Timezone)
REGISTER: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3411985/D96CAC1FF83EF9C8A0608F7FFCCCCC89?partnerref=speaker

WEB SITE: https://site.ieee.org/scv/scv-corporate-liaison-program/
WATCH PAST TALKS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb8j28CYROlwx1sgQmFUw7uMD1GCXbpfS

SPONSORS: IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor Program, IEEE SCV Section’s Corporate Liaison Program, IEEE Computer Society SCV Chapter; IEEE Industry Engagement

Abstract: The combination of many economical, ecological, technological, and societal factors and the enabling of technological innovations will result in a major shift in the future of workforce which is here to stay beyond the pandemic. To better address these changes will require educating and influencing global industries, academia, and governments through recommendations to better adjust. This is the goal of this effort! IEEE Industry Engagement organized 10 sponsored panels around the world to bring together industry, academia, government, and professional organizations leaders to collectively explore potential technologies and long-term visions of the future workforce.  We addressed current and future-looking fifteen factors and fifteen technologies. We discussed how they can be applied towards future global workforce planning. In this presentation we will offer some intermediate results that will eventually comprise a comprehensive report made available globally.

Bio: Dejan S. Milojicic is a distinguished technologist and director at Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA [1998-]. Previously, he worked in the OSF Research Institute, Cambridge, MA [1994-1998] and Institute “Mihajlo Pupin”, Belgrade, Serbia [1983-1991]. His areas of expertise include system software and distributed systems. He received his PhD from University of Kaiserslautern, Germany (1993); and MSc/BSc from Belgrade University, Serbia (1983/86). Dejan was a managing director of the Open Cirrus Cloud Computing testbed (2007-2011). Dejan has over 200 papers, 2 books and 68 granted patents. Dejan is an IEEE Fellow (2010), ACM Distinguished Engineer (2008), and HKN and USENIX member. He was president of IEEE Computer Society (2014) and IEEE Presidential candidate (2019). He has been on many conference program committees and journal editorial boards.


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