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The Region 6 Awards Program

Purpose and Value of the Awards Program

One of the purposes of a professional society is to recognize the accomplishments of their community. The Region 6 awards program honors IEEE volunteers, engineers, and teachers within Region 6. This is important because those who contribute to IEEE and to our community should be recognized and thanked for their hard work, dedication, and contributions.

  • All Region awards can be nominated by any Region member. There are no longer Area awards.
  • All nominations of individuals require two letters of recommendation. The deadline is the same as for nominations. Be sure to allow sufficient time for the endorsements to be submitted.
  • All award nominations and endorsement letters will be submitted online. There are no longer any forms or emailed or paper nominations.

The deadline for Region Award nominations submission is December 1 (or as otherwise announced) by 11:59pm Pacific time, including endorsements.

Go to https://ieee.secure-platform.com/a/page/major_board_awards/mga-awards/region6 to submit nominations. The site will ask for you to identify two endorsers and then will invite the endorsers to submit letters. Please allow enough time for endorsers to submit their letters by the deadline.

Awards Categories

Read the Award Nomination page for criteria and information required to submit nominations.

Companies and Corporations:

IEEE Organizational Units:


Rules and Requirements to Submit Region 6 Nominations

  • No self-nominations.
  • All nominations of individuals require two letters of recommendation. The deadline is the same as above.
  • The nominee must be an IEEE member (except the STEM educator nominee). The endorsement letters may or may not be from an IEEE member.

Contact the R6 Awards Chair for questions or on how to submit an online award nomination.

Tony huA-wong tonyhw206@ieee.org


(Updated 27-Aug-24)


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