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Project Funding

There are numerous opportunities for funding volunteer projects within Region 6. This list is just a few of the opportunities available:

  1. Participate in annual budget planning at the chapter, section and regional level
  2. Money is allocated yearly for volunteer projects, including STEM activities. Contact your local chapter, section and region.
  3. If you have a Humanitarian project idea (Advancing Technology for Humanity), check out the Humanitarian & Philanthropic Opportunities at IEEE.
  4. Student branches have money for student projects. Contact your local student chapter. To locate a Student Branch in your region, please contact Student Services: student-services@ieee.org.
  5. Seed grants are available for funding risky and innovative projects where relatively small amounts of funding are required. Go to https://www.ieee.org/about/initiatives/sgp.html
  6. There are numerous scholarships, grants, and fellowships for IEEE Student members. See https://students.ieee.org/search-funding/


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