Recognize the members in your local Section for their years of service as an IEEE member. Sections can order lapel pins commemorating select milestones that come with a certificate for presentation to your members.
Local Sections are responsible for the ordering, payment, and dissemination of the lapel pins and certificates to their members. There is reporting available through SAMIEEE and the Section Vitality Dashboard to assist volunteers in identifying the members in their Section who should receive a pin.
The one-inch round lapel pins recognize members at 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, and 50 years of service as an IEEE member. This is based on the cumulative years of service regardless of grade, grade elevations, or any breaks in service. Society Affiliates are not eligible for this program, nor are any years of service as a Society Affiliate included in the calculation.
Step 1: Identify the members in your Section who should receive a Member Loyalty pin
Step 2: Order your pins
Step 3: Recognize and Present Pins to Your Members
For more information: