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IEEE WIE Day 2024 – Panel Discussion – Fostering Inclusive Workplaces

Fostering Inclusive Workplaces: Building a Culture of Diversity and Equality in Engineering through Advocacy and Allyship

June 30 @ 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM PDT; Online

Details & Register: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/422562

IEEE Women in Engineering Oregon Section and Hawaii Section Affinity Groups (AG) are teaming up to host a dynamic panel discussion titled, “Fostering Inclusive Workplaces: Building a Culture of Diversity and Equality in Engineering through Advocacy and Allyship,” to celebrate the 2024 IEEE WIE Day.

IEEE Women in Engineering Oregon Section and Hawaii Section AG, are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion within the engineering community. We believe that creating inclusive workplaces is essential for fostering a thriving and innovative industry through the advancement of AI and 4IR technologies.

The panel discussion will explore various strategies for promoting diversity and equality in engineering for the advancement of AI and 4IR technologies, with a focus on advocacy and allyship.

Let’s encourage each other to support the advancement of women in STEM across the globe!

Speaker(s): Prof. Celia Shahnaz, Kathleen A. Kramer, Mary Ellen Randall, Simay Akar

Celia Shahnaz, SMIEEE, Fellow IEB, received Ph.D. degree from Concordia University, Canada and is currently a Professor at, Department of EEE, BUET, Bangladesh since 2015. She 2023-2024 IEEE WIE Committee Chair and has served in a number of other IEEE roles. She has more than 20 years of experience in leading impactful Technical, Professional, Educational, Industrial, Women Empowerment and Humanitarian Technology, Power and Energy-related Projects at national/international levels.

Kathleen A. Kramer is an IEEE Senior Member and has been elected as the 2024 IEEE president-elect. She is set to begin serving as president on 1 January 2025. She is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. She has also been a Member of Technical Staff at several companies, including ViaSat, Hewlett Packard, and Bell Communications Research.

Mary Ellen Randall is an active IEEE volunteer, having served as IEEE Treasurer for 2021-2023, past director of IEEE Region 3, chair of IEEE Women in Engineering, and vice president of IEEE Member and Geographic Activities. In 2016 she created the IEEE MOVE (Mobile Outreach Vehicle) program to assist with disaster relief efforts and for science, technology, engineering, and math educational purposes. She founded Ascot Technologies in 2000 in Cary, N.C. Ascot develops enterprise applications using mobile data delivery technologies. She serves as the award-winning company’s CEO.

Simay Akar is a sustainable energy expert and a Multi-award-winning entrepreneur in the energy industry. She is the CEO and founder of AK Energy Consulting, a firm that provides a wide range of environmental consulting services to achieve sustainability goals. Among other roles, she is serves on the IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board and is IEEE MOVE Global Committee (MGC) Chair.

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