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IEEE New Era World AI Leaders Summit, Workshops & Job Fair

Celebrate Electrical and Digital Innovation Renaissances

across three centuries

Innovation Renaissance

IEEE New Era World Leaders Summit,

AI Enablement Workshops, Exhibit & Job fair

August 24, 25, 2024.

University of Washington, Seattle Washington.

Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell, pioneers of electricity and telephony, respectively, founded the IEEE in 1884, heralding the 19th-century electrical Innovation Renaissance. The internet, computer and PC  led to the 20th-century digital Innovation Renaissance. Today, as AI permeates every aspect of life, infrastructure, industry, and medicine, it ignites an Innovation Renaissance, At the IEEE’s 140th anniversary we are organizing the Innovation Renaissance, IEEE New Era Event, we plan to invite all 170,000 members across United States and Canada.

This exciting IEEE New Era World leaders AI Summit featuring keynote speeches by CTOs and AI leaders, fostering a vision for AI’s future, innovation explosion, and Societal impact, A panel discussion with Senator Cantwell will delve into How the Federal policies propel the AI scholarships, R&D programs, establish standards and law to prevent misuse and guard trustworthiness of AI. You may also get an opportunity to meet senior management of companies.

We also call for volunteers for Lightning talks to showcase or demo your’ favorite projects. The Audience will vote for their favorite. The award will be presented to the winner at the Network reception.

The workshops will teach the fundamentals of AI, how to apply them to a wide range of the newest AI applications in industry, science, and medicine and delve the art of making use of them.

You don’t need to know programing to be an AI Application Engineer 

The exhibits showcase recently announced new products and invention.The job fair will post thousands of opportunities for engineers, scientist and internship for Students. 

To serve the community, meet VIP’s, witness the actions and make friends, would you like to volunteer at the event? All volunteers serve more than 6 hrs. will be free to attend the events, workshops and functions.

Student volunteers will get $100 UNESCO Washington scholarships with a certificate.

Please Sign up to volunteer at this Event at Pre-Event website 

If you would like to be informed, Please sign up the IEEE New Era event listserv:

Dr. Sheree Wen , Event Chair, at IEEENewERaai@gmail.com


Pre-Event website: https://attend.ieee.org/newera/

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