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Industry Engagement

IEEE Region 6 Industry Engagement events


IEEE New Era World Leaders AI Summit & Workshops

The IEEE New Era World Leaders AI Summit announces the preliminary program and registration. Come elevate your career with AI pioneers and visionaries.  Hone your AI skills with industry experts...

22nd Santa Clara Valley Industry Spotlight: Serverless Supercomputing

Please join us for the 22nd Industry Spotlight session featuring Ian Foster, of University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab. TALK TITLE: “Serverless Supercomputing: High Performance Function...

21st Santa Clara Valley Industry Spotlight: On Quantum Computing

Please join us for the 21st Industry Spotlight session featuring two talks on the topic of Quantum Computing: DATE: Tuesday, September 6th 2022, 6pm-7:30pm PT (Pacific Timezone)...

Sustainable Manufacturing Roundtable

Please join us for the Sustainable Manufacturing Roundtable. Sustainability is (or should be) on top of everyone’s mind and it all starts with sustainable manufacturing. TITLE: Sustainable...

20th Santa Clara Valley Industry Spotlight – On Taming Memory

TALK TITLE: On Taming Memory, the last stray cat in an otherwise orderly world of software defined data centers SPEAKER: Pankaj Mehra, Founder, Elephance Memory DATE: Tuesday, May 31st 2022...


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