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20th Santa Clara Valley Industry Spotlight – On Taming Memory

TALK TITLE: On Taming Memory, the last stray cat in an otherwise orderly world of software defined data centers

SPEAKER: Pankaj Mehra, Founder, Elephance Memory
DATE: Tuesday, May 31st 2022, 6pm PT (Pacific Timezone)
REGISTER: https://forms.gle/YuDMe1RRdiHyRJSv8


I was a data center fabrics researcher when I first met Memory. I knew of its ill reputation as a problematic resource in computers from talks by Professor  Flynn and from papers by Sally McKee when she was still a grad student. In 2002, I had my first close encounter with it. During the next four years, not only did I give Persistent Memory my initials, but the upper body scars I earned by building file systems and devices for it also saw me promoted to a Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett-Packard. By 2013, the scars had healed enough that I once again chased the memory cat down a blind alley. This time around  the battle has lasted well into the tenth year, starting with Fusion-io, then via SanDisk and WD to Samsung, and nowadays at Elephance Memory. We are starting to have a software leash on it but only time will tell whether Memory will start to follow us architects one step behind, as Logic and Software have done for decades, or will it coil up and go straight for the head as cornered stray cats are wont to do? I will bring you tales from the jungle world of memory in data center servers.

HOW-TO-ATTEND: We collect registrations using this form. Attendance is limited to 500, so please register if you do not want to miss the chance to attend. We will send instructions how to attend BY EMAIL shortly before presentation. (PLEASE DO NOT DOUBLE AND TRIPLE REGISTER)

WATCH PAST TALKS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb8j28CYROlwx1sgQmFUw7uMD1GCXbpfS

SPONSORS: IEEE CLP of SCV, IEEE Computer Society SCV Chapter; IEEE Industry Engagement


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