These are the presentations from the 2016 ExCom meeting: monthly-newsletter-and-suggestions-for-the-revised-r6-websit r6-conf-1116-excom region-6-awards...
Category - R6 Actvities
Activities across Region 6 committees
Rising Stars is being held in Las Vegas again! This time it will be January 2-4, 2017. This year’s topics include Space Technology, Cyber Security...
Listed are the presentations from the joint Central/Southern/Southwest Fall Area Meeting held recently: central-area-meeting-oct2016-clp-joseph-wei central...
If you are coming to the Area meeting in Seattle on October 15th please register and make your travel arrangements as soon as possible. You’ll need to...
We are pleased to announce the winners for the 2016 Region 6 Awards: Outstanding Engineer: Marc Hornbeek Outstanding Chapter / Affinity Group / Technical...
Meet Recruiters Live from your PC, Tablet or Mobile Inviting IEEE Members, Students and US Veterans Wednesday, September 21, 2016 ~ 10 AM – 2 PM PDT You are...
IEEE SusTech 2016 Student Poster Contest The fourth IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech), October 9-11, 2016 in Phoenix, Arizona at the...
IEEE’s Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) brings together individuals and organizations who want to make a difference by applying technology...