Nominations will be open 1 December–15 June for IEEE Medals and Recognitions at for Medals and for Recognitions. Make this the year you nominate a candidate...
Category - Awards
Region 6 Awards Information
The Region 6 awards portal will remain open via Open Water Portal, until October 10, 2021, 11:59 pm PDT. The nominations must include both nomination and 2 or...
Nominations Deadline Extended: 10-October One of the purposes of a professional society is to recognize the accomplishments of their community. This year...
Nominations for Outstanding Section Awards – Deadline 15 May 2021 Each year, the MGA Outstanding Section Awards are presented to one large, one medium, and one...
2020 IEEE Region 6 Awards presented at the 2021 Region 6 Opcom Online Awards Ceremony Northwest Area Recipients OUTSTANDING ENGINEERING EDUCATOR 2020 presented...
We are pleased to announce that the 2021 IEEE Medal and Recognition recipients can be found on the new Awards website at: . The recipients have been notified;...
Now You Can Listen to 2020 IEEE Medal Recipient Participate in Podcast Michael I. Jordan, the 2020 IEEE John von Neumann Medal recipient, does a podcast...
Submission Deadline extended: 30 September 2020 One of the purposes of a professional society is to recognize the accomplishments of their community. This...
This year, in light of the global health emergency and pervasive travel restrictions, IEEE made the difficult decision not to hold the in-person 15 May 2020...