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Region 6 Senior Member Project

Senior Member Reference Project

Senior Member: The grade of Senior Member is the highest for which application may be made and shall require experience reflecting professional maturity. For admission or transfer to the grade of Senior Member, a candidate shall be an engineer, scientist, educator, technical executive, or originator in IEEE-designated fields for a total of 10 years and have demonstrated 5 years of significant performance. Learn more about the IEEE Senior Member grade here.

IEEE Region 6 volunteer leadership has started a project to identify and assist IEEE members in applying for Senior Membership. There are several excellent candidates in the region, and the Admission and Advancement (A&A) Committee has personally undertaken the duty, along with Region 6 Executive Committee, to nominate those who are interested in and qualified for elevation. This is in alignment with IEEE and IEEE Region 6 initiatives to recognize IEEE members for their accomplishments both technically and professionally.

Some of Region 6 nominees need assistance with references for their application, so the Region 6 Executive committee is looking for volunteers to help write referrals. Id you are a Senior Member or Fellow, you would be an excellent person to help with this effort. The plan is to post the names of those who are willing to help with the references on the Region 6 website. From there, applicants will be able to identify eligible references they may personally know, or the A&A Committee can put them in contact with the volunteer directly who is willing to write a reference. A&A Committee will also reach out to you occasionally as needed for your support.

We realize that you may not know the applicants personally, so a resume or curriculum vitae will be provided to review. A&A Committee also recommends that anyone who volunteers to have a brief conversation with the applicant to aid the referral process. This is a recognized process by IEEE and has been implemented in other regions and sections around the world in different formats. Should you have any reservations about making the referral after the review and brief conversation, you are in no way obligated to complete the reference. We request that you inform us about your decision to provide a reference for a candidate.

If you would like to help us with this effort, please inform us by email to r6aa@ieee.org. We look forward to working with you.

IEEE Region 6 Admission and Advancement (A&A) Committee


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