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MEMO: Questions sent to the IEEEin2030@ieee.org

Dear Directors, Directors-Elect, Society and Council Presidents, and Management Council, 

We recently received a series of questions sent to the IEEEin2030@ieee.org alias and I know many of you also received these same questions. 

We have taken the time to address each question in detail. There is no new material in the answers as all of the information was available in the archive documents, but as we were more familiar with the material and in the spirit of being completely open and transparent, we felt it was important to provide these answers (see attached).

Also, a reminder that a socialization deck about the work being done on the constitutional changes and the proposed optimized board structure has been posted to the IEEE in 2030 Archive, accessible to all members at: http://www.ieee.org/about/corporate/ieeein2030_archive_m.html

As always, we encourage you to share this information with our colleagues throughout the IEEE community. Thank you in advance for your assistance in sharing this information with those who would like to learn more about this important work. 

Best regards,


Barry L. Shoop, Ph.D., P.E.
2016 IEEE President and CEO

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