The IEEE Buenaventura Section and the Los Alamos/Northern New Mexico Section have been included in the IEEE’s 2012 list of Outstanding Life Members...
Category - R6 Actvities
Activities across Region 6 committees
The 5th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems Extends paper submission deadline to April 23, 2012. Symposium is held in Salt Lake City August 14...
Announcing the First IEEE-Orange County GameSIG Intercollegiate Computer Game Showcase Cheer your favorite University as student teams go head-to-head showing...
Do you know of an IEEE member or an organization employing IEEE members that has shown exemplary ethical behavior or practices, or has successfully advocated...
IEEE Region 6 gives a total of 6 Awards per year recognizing the outstanding contributions and accomplishments of IEEE members, Sections, Student Branches, and...
The Professional Activities Committee (PACE) of IEEE-USA has just approved a special $200 incentive program for 2012. Any USA Section that completes and...
Call For Papers IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference Seattle, Washington USA October 21 – October 24, 2012 Dear IEEE...
The PES Chapter in Spokane is holding an NESC® 2012 (National Electrical Safety Code) Seminar at the end of January. The major topic of the seminar will be...
Region 6 Sections by date founded. Date Section 19-Jan-1904 SEATTLE 23-Dec-1904 SAN FRANCISCO (1975 spun off SFBAC Sections) 18-May-1908 LOS ANGELES –...