IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2012) advance registration is now open. This 2nd annual premier conference provides the perfect venue for...
Category - R6 Actvities
Activities across Region 6 committees
The annual IEEE Election starts in August. It is important as a member to vote on your choice of senior volunteer leadership. Listed below are the candidates...
Following article reposted from the IEEE San Fernando Valley Newsletter. Getting to Know Kostek and Coughlin Knowing where the candidates for IEEE Region 6...
Following are the IEEE conferences to be held in the Region over the next several years. If your Section is organizing a conference and would like to add it...
At the 2012 IEEE Honors Ceremony held in Boston, June 30 several Region 6 members were honored. IEEE MEDAL OF HONOR, for an exceptional contribution or an...
The following Sections will be celebrating significant anniversaries in 2012: 50 years: Boise 50 years: Central Washington The following Sections will be...
The IEEE Smart Tech Metro Area Workshop series is coming to Santa Clara, CA on 28-29 September, 2012. IEEE Smart Tech Workshops offer parallel, all-day track...
The San Jose State University Student Branch (Santa Clara Valley Section) was featured in the April issue of The Institute.
Read the article at
Cincinnati, May 2012 IEEE-USA has announced the selection of Portland Oregon as the site for their 2013 Annual Meeting and Technical Conference. The Oregon...