MEMO: To All OpCom Officers in Region 6 (this includes the Section Chairs), Please mark your Calendar for the end of the month, Jan 31 – Feb 2. One...
Category - R6 Actvities
Activities across Region 6 committees
Congratulations to our student branches, especially UCLA, for creating and maintaining quality websites! UCLA has received the Honorable Mention in the 2013...
Inspiration for the next generation of engineers from our Buenaventura Section. Thanks to Audrey Askegard for creating this wonderful video! ...
If you missed the Metro Area Workshop in Seattle, here are a few pictures of the event.
Photovoltaic Specialists! On behalf of the Organizing, Program, Cherry and International Committees, it is our great pleasure to announce the release of our...
In addition to this website, you can now follow Region 6 on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Just click on the associated icon in the top right of...
Is your section involved in any K-12 STEM activities? If you haven’t already or if you have added new activities, please send me the information on...
Nominations are being solicited for the 2014 Area and Region level Awards. Note the timeline is now for Awards presentation at the Spring R6 Opcom meeting and...
Formal Verification & Modeling in Human-Machine Systems AAAI 2014 Spring Symposium (FVHMS 2014) March 24-26, 2014 Webpage: Held in conjunction with the...