High doses of value were delivered to IEEE Young Professional Members in Region 6 & 7 on August 4th, 2018 as Vancouver BC section hosted the 2nd annual...
Category - News
This one-day meeting occurred at Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos, NM, USA on August 7, 2018. It was on the topic of women in government service. We had...
August 2018 — IEEE Region 6 congratulations the San Diego Chapter of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS). They have been honored as an...
Elizabeth Johnston, PE, was honored by Power and Energy Society (PES) for her advancement of professional, technical and humanitarian initiatives in the...
Exemplary Student Branches 2018: the purpose of this award is to provide public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch operations Portland State...
AnnieCannons is an Oakland-based nonprofit with a mission to transform survivors of human trafficking into software professionals. With annual support from...
Empower Female Entrepreneurs at the 2018 WIE ILC Startup Pitch Competition By Joseph Wei, Chair, IEEE CE Society, SCV & Wenbo Yin, Chair, IEEE YP, SCV...
May 11, 2018 – Loretta Arellano, a past R6 Director and long-time IEEE volunteer, received the IEEE Haraden Pratt Award at the 2018 IEEE Honors Ceremony...
November 7, 2017 – IEEE Milestone ceremony celebrating the Development of CDMA for Cellular Communications by Qualcomm hosted by the IEEE San Diego...