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Planet Positive 2030

What is Planet Positive 2030?

Planet Positive 2030 is a campaign created by a global, open community of experts supported by IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization Advancing Technology for Humanity.

What do you mean by “Planet Positive?”

“Climate Neutral” means not adding  Greenhouse Gas emissions to the atmosphere or harming the biosphere/planet in general.  We must achieve Planet Positivity and regenerate planetary ecosystems by 2030 so the earth stays habitable in 2050 and beyond.

Climate-related risks to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security, and economic growth are projected to grow as the global mean surface temperature increases and reaches 1.5°C.  Yet estimates of global emissions of nationally stated reduction goals under the Paris Agreement will lead to GHG emissions by 2030 that will not permit limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

Unless, together, we imagine an equitable Planet Positive Future for 2030 and start building now to lower emissions and increase regeneration, restoration and resilience of earth’s ecosystems for seven generations and beyond.

What Do You Mean by “Imagine the Future We Can Build Together?”

As technologists we are used to designing with a clear plan, boundaries and constraints.  Our campaign is going to bring together hundreds of multidiscipline experts to create a Planet Positive 2030 Roadmap Compendium and an Impact Accountability Assessment Tool providing insights and practical recommendations on how we can work towards:

Our two “Impossible” Goals:

  1. Transform society and infrastructure to achieve Planet Positive 2030.  (“Planet Positive 2030” – Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net 50% of 2005 emissions by 2030 and  significantly increase regeneration and resilience of earth’s ecosystems.
  2. Identify  the technological solutions we need to design, innovate and deploy to reach Planet Positive 2030.

Join The Campaign: https://bit.ly/3vJRKuy (Google doc)

Contact: j.c.havens@ieee.org


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