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IEEE Complimentary Symposium for Open Source Security Professionals

The IEEE Computer Society invites you to join a select group of open source security professionals, for a complimentary half-day seminar. Approved for PDH credit.

Thursday, May 2  |  9:30am – 1:00pm PST
Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA

Register: https://www.computer.org/ieee-computer-society-open-source-libraries-security-webinar

Attend this free event including lunch, to master how to identify vulnerabilities in your open source libraries, software, and components, and explore solutions in real-time from the experts.

You and your team will learn:

  • What developers can do to mitigate the risks in open source software
  • The new trends in open source library security
  • Exactly why and how open source libraries are increasing risk
  • How to keep up with vulnerabilities in open source projects, while keeping the bad guys out
  • Best practices for incorporating open-source software in SDL process

Approved for 3 hour PDH credit! (Contact dsims@computer.org for PDH.)

Speakers include:

  • Risks in the Software Supply Chain.
    Dr. Mark Sherman is the Technical Director of the Cyber Security Foundations group at CERT within CMU’s Software Engineering Institute. His team focuses on foundational research on the life cycle for building secure software and on data analytics in cyber security.
  • Open Source Software and the Security Development Lifecycle.
    Richard Chow is a University Research Director and Scientist at Intel Corporation. In the past, he has held positions as Research Scientist at PARC, and Security Architect at Yahoo and Motorola. His work concentrates on security and privacy, particularly in relation to artificial intelligence, ubiquitous computing, and usability.
  • How Understanding Risk is Changing for Open Source Components.
    Chris Wysopal is Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer at Veracode, which he co-established in 2006. He oversees security research and technology strategy. He has testified to the U.S. Congress on the subjects of government security and how vulnerabilities are discovered in software.


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