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New Member Welcome to IEEE

This message is sent each month to new members of IEEE in Region 6:

Welcome to the IEEE network. By joining IEEE you have chosen to become a “citizen” of our profession. It is your responsibility to use the IEEE Network and Resources to enhance your membership experience and make connections.

In addition to being a technology organization, IEEE is also a geographic organization. You are a member of IEEE Region 6 (Western US) and also a member of the your local Section in Region 6. Region 6 has 35 Sections, 2 subSections and 2 Councils, with approximately 57,000 members (including over 6000 students). The Region is divided into five Areas: Northeast, Northwest, Central, Southern and Southwest.

[Note: if you joined as a Student, and gave your home address, IEEE considers this to be your geographic address of record even though you may go to school and reside elsewhere. You can update your membership record to change your “Preferred Address” using myIEEE, see http://www.ieee.org/myieee.]

Your member number is <$id>, and your IEEE membership grade is <$grade>.

In approximately 2 weeks after you joined, you will receive your member card and welcome brochure that details the benefits, features and services of membership.

To check these out online, go to http://www.ieee.org/start.

One of these member features is myIEEE – your personalized gateway to membership providing local contact information, links to information about conferences in your field, individual benefits and much more. Login with your IEEE Web Account at: http://www.ieee.org/myieee.

If you do not receive your card you can contact IEEE Member Services online at http://www.ieee.org/memberservices or via email at member-services@ieee.org, or by telephone: 800 678 4333.

You can use myIEEE to access several IEEE member benefits and renew/change your membership record. Check out the new IEEE.tv (http://www.ieee.org/IEEEtv) to watch technology and engineering programming and to preview upcoming conferences.

You can check on the status of your membership and delivery of any subscriptions to publications at:

If you did not join online or do not have an IEEE Web Account, please go to http://www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/help/task/my_account/web_account.html and click on the “Create an IEEE Web Account” link.

Once you have created an account, you can access your local IEEE news at http://www.ieee.org/web/membership/home/index.html

You can also register for an IEEE email alias at http://eleccomm.ieee.org/

Please check out the Region 6 web site at https://ieee-region6.org/ You can contact the Region officers thru the R6 Roster page at
https://ieee-region6.org/region-6-roster/ if you have any questions.

Your Regional Director for 2011-12 is Ed Perkins
Diector-elect (Director for 2013-14) is Mike Andrews
Regional Secretary is Rhonda Schennum
Regional Treasurer is Dee Fultz

You can find out about local IEEE activities in your area by visiting your Section’s web page which can be found at https://ieee-region6.org/sections/. Your local Section chair contact is also listed there.

You will hear people speaking about the “IEEE Network”. What is the IEEE Network? It is all the members of IEEE and all the volunteers who help create the programs you find in IEEE and all the people who participate. It is IEEE Sections, Chapters, and Societies; myIEEE and MemberNet; IEEE groups on Linked-in, FACEBOOK, TWITTER etc. It is up to you to use the IEEE Network to enhance your membership experience and make new friends. How do you do that? By participating in whatever ways you desire.

IEEE is a volunteer-led organization. The conferences, papers, magazines,  journals and local meetings are generated by volunteers. We are always interested in new volunteers, go to http://www.ieee.org/web/volunteers/home/index.html to learn about volunteering
and some links to connect with opportunities. Or contact your local Section – they can always use your help.

Did you graduate with your first engineering-related college degree less than 10 years ago? If so, you are automatically a GOLD member (Graduates Of the Last Decade). Visit http://www.ieee.org/gold for more info.

Have more than 10 years experience in the profession (including college) and have 5 years of significant performance? You may qualify for IEEE Senior Member. See http://www.ieee.org/seniormember

Some additional information that may be useful:
* To obtain a detailed receipt for your membership go to and Sign-in at: http://www.ieee.org/go/order and click on the My Account tab and select “Order History”.
* For online access to the IEEE Educational Courses e-learning library of short courses and tutorials go to: http://ieee-elearning.org/
* To access online products purchased as part of your IEEE membership or Subscription Packages go to and Sign-in at:
* To access online products and Subscriptions purchased from the IEEE Computer Society, go to: http://www.computer.org

Finally, in addition to myIEEE, members can network on social media:

IEEE is on Linked-In: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=23804
IEEE-USA is on Linked-In: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=55581
IEEE SPECTRUM is on Twitter: http://twitter.com/IEEESpectrum
IEEE-USA is on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ieeeusa
IEEE-USA is on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5411978324
Your local Section and/or Society may also have social networking sites.

We like to think of IEEE as our “professional home”, so welcome, come on in, find a meeting, attend a conference, meet some new people, make some friends, learn some new things.

If you have any questions please contact me.


Edward G Perkins
Region 6 Director 2011-12


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