All of the Region 6 OpCom and ExCom officers gathered for a great photo at the OpCom meeting today.
Category - R6 Actvities
Activities across Region 6 committees
Minutes from the 2015 Region 6 Fall Excom ————————————- Meeting Dates...
Start DateEnd DateConference TitleAttendeesWebsite URLConference VenueCityStateSection NameInformation ContactContact EmailIEEE Sponsor 8/1/2016 0:008/4/2016...
The annual Operations Commitee meeting for IEEE Region 6 is being held jointly with IEEE Region 4, the Executive Committee of Region 5, with participation from...
Find teammates; win money; have fun Extended video submission deadline: New deadline: December 15, 2015 Did you ever have an awesome project idea that you just...
At the Region 6 Area meetings during October 2015 we referred to the following three documents: Student Leadership Training Best Practices for a Student...
In recent years, IEEE has placed great emphasis on Humanitarian Technology Activities, instituting the Humanitarian Ad Hoc Committee (HAHC) in 2011 (now called...
This week Carli Rodrigues was named the first place recruiter in the Western USA Region by Denise Maestri, IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Member and...
Call for participation: IEEE DIY Project: deadline 7 December The IEEE DIY Project was created to help encourage and support future makers by allowing them to...