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Humanitarian Activities

Mission: expand humanitarian activities in Region 6 and support collaboration among humanitarian groups within and beyond the Region

Objectives: create and sustain humanitarian activities through SIGHT affiliations and through work on projects with sustainable outcomes.


(1) Work with various IEEE organizations such as Region 6 sections or chapters to create SIGHT organizations. These can be made up of student (undergraduate) or postgraduate/professions or both.

(2) Help SIGHT Groups to identify project ideas and nurture these so they are of the quality to propose to SIGHT and HAC for financial support

(3) Identify mentors for projects and monitor progress

(4) Receive and judge nominations for Region 6 Humanitarian Project Awards

(5) Publicize the outcomes of projects and SIGHT activities in Region 6

(6) Coordinate with Region 6 leaders (such as Young Professionals or Student Activities) to draw on their resources and participate in joint projects

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