Region 6 Awards Program
Categories, Descriptions, Criteria and Nomination Suggestions
Award Categories:
- Outstanding Corporate Service
- Region 6 Small Section of the Year (less than 500 members)
- Region 6 Medium Section of the Year (greater than 501 members but less than 1500 members)
- Region 6 Large Section of the Year (more than 1500 members)
- Region 6 Small Student Branch of the Year (less than 25 active members)
- Region 6 Large Student Branch of the Year (25 or more active members)
- Region 6 Outstanding Chapter of the Year (includes Society Chapters and Technical Councils but not Affinity Groups)
- Region 6 Outstanding Affinity Group Chapter of the year
- Region 6 Outstanding Affinity Group Member (WIE member who promoted women in engineering, LMAG member who promoted Life Members Activities, CN member who promoted Consultant Network Activities, YP IEEE member who promoted Young Professional activities) (UP to 2 awards each year)
- Region 6 Outstanding IEEE member who promoted Global Humanitarian Projects or Activities
- Region 6 Outstanding IEEE member who promoted Membership Development or Senior Member Elevation
- Region 6 Outstanding IEEE member who is an Outstanding Educator, Mentor or Facilitator in the area of STEM
- Region 6 Outstanding K through 12 Educator who made significant contributions to STEM Education
- Region 6 Outstanding Service and Leadership to the IEEE
- Region 6 Outstanding Engineer
Region 6 Industry Excellence (Individual)
Nomination Process
- Nominations are submitted online at
- All nominations of individuals require two letters of recommendation. The deadline is the same as for nominations. Be sure to allow sufficient time for the endorsements to be submitted.
- The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s), should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement. This should be suggested by the nominator, not the committee.
Contact the R6 Awards Chair for questions or on how to submit an online award nomination.
Email: Tony huA-Wong,; or use this form.
Region 6 Award Nomination Period of Evaluation –
Past calendar year (e.g. Jan 1, 2020 – Dec 31, 2020)
Nominator info – required for all nominations
Your IEEE Member Number |
Your phone number |
Your email address |
The name of your Section |
Award 1. Outstanding Corporate Service
This award is provided to those companies or divisions of a company that encourage volunteerism through their practices. In particular, the atmosphere created by the company should be to facilitate the IEEE volunteer to do his or her job.
(the MGA name of this is Friend of IEEE Member and Geographic Activities, Organizational Award)
Nominee Information
You must include the contact information of an individual who can represent this company
Company Name |
Company Address |
contact person’s Name, role and department |
contact person’s email address |
contact person’s work phone |
alternate contact person’s name |
alternate contact email address |
alternate contact phone Number |
Criteria (Achievements and Accomplishments)
- Do they provide time off to travel to IEEE meetings? Y/N
- Do they provide full or partial reimbursement of travel and/or per diem? Y/N
- Do they offer company space to conduct IEEE meetings? Y/B
- Do they encourage and/or promote membership in professional organizations? Y/N
- Do they underwrite all or a portion of IEEE dues for its members? Y/N
- Do they support the volunteer by permitting free or discounted use of company resources for such things as telephone, fax, email, or printing newsletters and/or other circulars? Y/N
- Do they donate grants or money directly to Chapters, Councils, Affinity Groups, or STEM to assist with conducting conferences, workshops, meetings, or educational events and competitions? Y/N
- Provide details to support the above answers such as examples of donations or conferences
if you need additional room or want to add anything else
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 2. Region 6 Small Section of the Year (less than 500 members)
Award 3. Region 6 Medium Section of the Year (greater than 501 members but less than 1500 members)
Award 4. Region 6 Large Section of the Year (more than 1500 members)
Region 6 has different Section awards (Large, Medium and Small) because a Section with fewer volunteers cannot compete with the number of activities of a larger Section. We encourage all Section to separately submit a nomination for their section to the MGA awards website by the deadline: May 15.
The Region 6 Outstanding Section description and criteria are:
To recognize the outstanding work of an IEEE Section based on its success in carrying out the objectives of the IEEE through the implementation of the Section’s programs. In this evaluation, recognition will be given to the successful maintenance of ongoing efforts designed to sustain the basic core activity of the Section and its components as well as recognizing innovative and creative efforts to develop and implement new programs or new entities such as Chapters, Councils, and Affinity Groups.
The IEEE MGA specified criteria are:
for their successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries.
Nominee Information
- The name of your Section
- Name of the current Section Chair
- Section Chair’s phone number
- Section Chair’s email address
- Section Vice Chair’s email address
- Name of the current Section Secretary
- Section Secretary’s email address
- Name of the current Section Treasurer
- Section Treasurer’s email address Section Website URL
- Is the Section Website up to date? Y/N
What information can be found on the Section Website? (check all that apply)
Current executive committee officer names |
Officer contact information |
Calendar of upcoming meetings and events |
Photos from recent events or activities |
Information about Chapters, Affinity Groups, and Student Branches in the Section |
Links to other IEEE web pages |
Section local operating procedures |
Section meeting minutes |
Social media feeds |
Archives |
other ______________________ |
Are all units (Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Branches, etc.) within the Section active and have the minimum membership requirement? If not, which units are inactive and what steps has the Section made in an effort to revitalize its under-performing units?
Please limit your response to 300 words.
What units were newly formed during the previous year, and what is being done to create new groups?
Please provide examples of the following types of programs/activities/efforts/ best practices in which the Section and its units participated. Please do not just list meetings and activities. Be sure to include the benefit/impact to IEEE members and/or the public and be very clear on important accomplishments and why they were meaningful. Discuss what is being done to attract, retain, satisfy, and engage members. Within these areas, please also comment on if/how the programs/efforts benefited IEEE Student members (e.g., Student Branch Programs), facilitated interface between Higher Grade IEEE members and IEEE Student Branch members, facilitated member grade elevations (e.g., Senior Member, Fellow, STEP transition) , facilitated improved industrial relations, facilitated improved government relations were co-sponsored with other professional/technical organizations,
Community Service Projects that projected positive visibility to IEEE
- Technical Programs
- Professional Programs (PACE programs, non-technical programs contributing to members’ careers)
- Educational Programs
- Other Programs
- Does the Section have a Section Awards Chair? Y/N
- Does the Section have a Section Awards Program? Y/N
- If Yes, please provide examples of awards presented by the Section and its units to recognize IEEE members, non-members, firms, etc. Include how the recipient was impacted and the goal that was achieved.
Provide examples of awards presented to the Section and its units to recognize individual IEEE members. Include how the recipient was impacted and the goal that was achieved.
Please limit your response to 300 words.
- Compare statistics for Higher Grade membership and Student membership in the Section and its units from this year to the previous year. Please do not just list membership numbers. Please comment on what the number differences mean, and any impacts, triggers, or causes.
- Describe the methods used to communicate with Section members and the number of times that each method was used last year. (e.g., Section website, electronic newsletter, E-Notice, hardcopy newsletter, postcard).
- Detail efforts conducted by the Section and its units to recruit new IEEE members and new volunteers.
- Detail efforts conducted by the Section to recruit and retain Student Members. Include details on STEP programs and efforts to transition Student Members to Young Professional Members.
- List any Section governing documents and the last year they were updated (e.g., bylaws, operations manual, guides). Provide web link(s) to governing documents, if applicable.
Award 5. Region 6 Small Student Branch of the Year (less than 25 active members)
Award 6. Region 6 Large Student Branch of the Year (more than 25 active members)
Region 6 has two different Student Branch awards (large and small) because a small Student Branch has fewer members and cannot compete with the number of activities of a large Branch.
The student officers are usually chosen in early September when classes begin. Many officers leave the following June when they graduate. Therefore the activity period upon which they will be primarily judged is their school year from Sept. up to the nomination submission due date. If there are continuing projects from the previous Spring, the nomination form may include those projects.
These two awards recognize Student Branches which represent the IEEE and encourage participation in extracurricular activities that further the development of the students as future engineers. Some of these activities are meetings in which faculty or outside lecturers are secured to share knowledge and experience about preparing for jobs after graduation. Other lectures might be on topics that are highly interesting to students such as electric vehicles, worldwide communications for internet, sensor technology, or biomedical applications. Occasional fun parties such as pizza, bowling, and hiking can help students bond with each other and relax from the pressure of their studies. Some Student Branches have dedicated rooms for their activities and they may stock food or beverages for their members. The outstanding Student Branches take on research or development projects as a group. Often the Student Branch is the only means for engineering students to learn how to actually solder and construct working circuits. For example, some projects might be related to microprocessors and some might be building radios.
Nominee Information
- The name of your University
- Name of the current Student Branch Chair
- Branch Chair’s phone number
- Branch Chair’s email address
- Name of the current faculty advisor
- The faculty advisor’s email address
- Name of the previous Branch Chair
- Previous Branch Chair’s email address
- the complete mailing address for your Student Branch at the university
so we can mail an award if they win - Student Branch Website URL
- Is the Student Branch Website up to date? Y/N
What information can be found on the Student Branch Website? (check all that apply)
- Current officer’s names
- Officer contact information
- Officer photos
- Calendar of upcoming meetings and events
- Photos from recent events or activities
- Information about their activities
- Links to other IEEE web pages
- Student Branch room location and hours
- Summary of past Student Branch meetings
- Social media feeds
- Projects
- Archives of past lectures
- Other things offered: books, drinks, food
- How many total meetings and events has your Student Branch had in the school year?
- How many IEEE student members are there in your Student Branch?
- How many non-IEEE students actively participate in your Student Branch?
- Describe the projects that have been actively run by your Student Branch in the school year?
- Describe your Technical Programs
- Describe your non-technical programs contributing to members’ future careers
- Any additional educational programs and lectures
- Fun and social activities
- Does your Student Branch regularly attend the two Area meetings per year? Y/N
- Does your Student Branch participate in competitions in the Area meetings? Y/N
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 7. Region 6 Outstanding Chapter of the Year (includes Society Chapters and Technical Councils but NOT affinity groups)
To honor an outstanding Chapter each year. Extraordinary performance greatly benefits the members of your Section. It attracts non-members to attend its meetings and events and encourages them to join the IEEE and that Society. It benefits industry and society in general by providing leading edge educational programs.
There are many good Chapters but only a few outstanding ones. We want to motivate Chapters, Councils, and Affinity Groups to strive to be outstanding. Therefore the bar for this award is high.
Nominee Information
- Is this a joint chapter of two or more Societies? List them
- in which City, State are your meetings?
- Name of the current Chapter Chair
- Chapter Chair’s phone number
- Chapter Chair’s email address
- Name of the current Chapter Vice Chair
- Chapter Vice Chair’s email address
- Name of the current Chapter Secretary
- Chapter Secretary’s email address
- Name of the current Chapter Treasurer
- Chapter Treasurer’s email address
- the Chapter’s Website URL
- Is the Chapter Website up to date monthly? Y/N
What information can be found on the Chapter Website? (check all that apply)
Current executive committee officer names |
Officer contact information |
Calendar of upcoming meetings and events |
Photos from recent events or activities |
Do you sponsor Student Branches (Chapters)? |
Links to other IEEE web pages including your Society and your Section |
Corporate sponsors |
Chapter meeting minutes |
Archives of previous meetings |
other: |
- Has your membership grown since last year? Describe the trends such as number, IEEE vs non-IEEE.
- How many open technical meetings have you held in past year
- Please attach a PDF showing your meeting attendance with bars separately indicating IEEE members and non-members.
- How many symposia and conferences have you held in past year
- Attach a PDF containing a list and description of all of the technical meetings, symposia, and conferences that your Chapter ran in past year
- Attach a PDF of your financial report comparing last May to this April 30
- Attach a PDF of your annual report to your Section Excom
- Explain how you are inviting University students to participate in your meetings, symposia, and conferences. Do you provide any free or subsidized registration?
- Were your meeting reports and financial statements filed on time with both your Section and the IEEE? Y/N
- Does your Chapter have a liaison, sponsorship, or financial support from industry? Y/N
- If Yes, please provide brief details
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 8. Region 6 Outstanding Affinity Group Chapter of the year (WIE, YP, LM CN)
To honor an outstanding Affinity Group (Women in Engineering, Young Professionals, Life Members, Consultants) each year. Extraordinary performance greatly benefits the members of your Section. It attracts non-members to attend its meetings and events and encourages them to join the IEEE and that Society. It benefits industry and society in general by providing leading edge educational programs.
Nominee Information
- the full name of your Chapter Affinity Group
- in which City, State are your meetings?
- Name of the current Chapter Chair
- Chapter Chair’s phone number
- Chapter Chair’s email address
- Name of the current Chapter Vice Chair
- Chapter Vice Chair’s email address
- Name of the current Chapter Secretary
- Chapter Secretary’s email address
- Name of the current Chapter Treasurer
- Chapter Treasurer’s email address
- the Chapter’s Website URL
- Is the Chapter Website up to date monthly? Y/N
What information can be found on the Chapter Website? (check all that apply)
Current executive committee officer names |
Officer contact information |
Officer photos |
Calendar of upcoming meetings and events |
Photos from recent events or activities |
Do you sponsor Student Branches? |
Links to other IEEE web pages including your Society and your Section |
Corporate sponsors |
Chapter meeting minutes |
Archives of previous meetings |
other: |
- Has your membership grown since last year? Describe the trends such as number, IEEE vs non-IEEE.
- How many open technical meetings have you held in past year
- Please attach a PDF showing your meeting attendance in past year with bars separately indicating IEEE members and non-members.
- How many symposia and conferences have you held 2018
- Attach a PDF containing a list and description of all of the technical meetings, symposia, and conferences that your Chapter ran in past year
- Attach a PDF of your financial report comparing last May to this April 30
- Attach a PDF of your annual report to your Section Excom
- Explain how you are inviting University students to participate in your meetings, symposia, and conferences. Do you provide any free or subsidized registration?
- Were your meeting reports and financial statements filed on time with both your Section and the IEEE? Y/N
- Does your Chapter have a liaison, sponsorship, or financial support from industry? Y/N
- If Yes, please provide brief details
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 9. Region 6 Outstanding Affinity Group member (WIE who promoted women in engineering, LMAG member who promoted Life Member Activities, CN member who promoted Consultant Network activities or YP member who promoted Young Professional activities)
(Up to 2 awards can be given)
Nominee’s Information
all are required
Their Name |
IEEE Member Number |
IEEE Member Level |
phone number |
evening phone number |
email address |
Their complete mailing address |
- State why this Nominee deserves recognition. Thoroughly and clearly state the individual’s contributions and accomplishments. Type as much as you need in this box.
- If this individual contributed to the success of a conference, please upload a PDF about the conference showing exactly how they contributed.
- Is there something specific that makes you want to nominate this person over other people?
- What IEEE positions and other responsibilities has the nominee had in the last five+ years that relate to this nomination?
Endorser 1
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Endorser 2
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 10. Region 6 Outstanding IEEE member who promoted Global Humanitarian Projects or Activities
Region 6 IEEE member who contributes to improve the quality of life of the underserved and/or social reform Projects or Activities with technology/engineering, it includes but not limited to the following fields
- Affordable & Clean Energy
- Agriculture & Food Security
- Clean Water, Sanitation & hygiene
- Community engagement, Capacity-building, and Behavior Change
- Connectivity & Communication
- Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & Recovery
- Humanitarian Challenges & Opportunities
- Technology Enhanced Quality Education Delivery
- Technology Enhanced Healthcare
- Technology and Applications for Poverty Alleviation
- Other United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Technology Showcase (exhibit display)
Nominee’s Information
all are required
Their Name |
IEEE Member Number |
IEEE Member Level |
daytime phone number |
evening phone number |
email address |
Their complete mailing address |
- State why this Nominee deserves recognition. Thoroughly and clearly state the individual’s contributions and accomplishments. Type as much as you need in this box.
- If this individual contributed to the success of a conference, project, or major activity, please upload a PDF about the activity showing exactly how they contributed.
- Is there something specific that makes you want to nominate this person over other people?
- What IEEE positions and other responsibilities has the nominee had in the last five+ years that relate to this nomination?
Endorser 1
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Endorser 2
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 11. Region 6 Outstanding IEEE member who promoted Membership Development or Senior Member Elevation
The goal of this award is to recognize an individual IEEE member who actively recruits more IEEE members, elevates senior members and promotes IEEE membership development. Events such as organizing special events, forming and incentivizing activities geared towards attracting new IEEE members, the renewal of the membership of existing IEEE members and benefiting our IEEE members
Nominee’s Information
all are required
Their Name |
IEEE Member Number |
IEEE Member Level |
daytime phone number |
evening phone number |
email address |
Their complete mailing address |
- State why this Nominee deserves recognition. Thoroughly and clearly state the individual’s contributions and accomplishments. Type as much as you need in this box.
- If this individual contributed to recruitment of IEEE members, the success of a conference, project, or major activity, please upload a PDF about the activity showing exactly how they contributed.
- Is there something specific that makes you want to nominate this person over other people?
- What IEEE positions and other responsibilities has the nominee had in the last five+ years that relate to this nomination?
Endorser 1
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Endorser 2
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 12. Region 6 Outstanding IEEE member who is an Outstanding Educator, Facilitator or Mentor in the area of STEM
This award honors an IEEE member who is a pre-university teacher at any level between K and grade 12, or who actively works with one or more pre-university classes or schools. They teach, mentor students directly or assist regular teachers to promote math, science, technology, and an appreciation of engineering.
Nominee’s Information
all are required
Their Name |
IEEE Member Number |
IEEE Member Level |
daytime phone number |
evening phone number |
email address |
Their complete mailing address |
- List the schools or activities where this individual lectured or list the schools or activities that this individual directly helped
- State why this Nominee deserves recognition. Thoroughly and clearly state the individual’s contributions and accomplishments. Type as much as you need in this box.
- Is there something specific that makes you want to nominate this person over other people?
- What IEEE positions and other responsibilities has the nominee had in the last five+ years that relate to this nomination?
Endorser 1
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Endorser 2
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 13. Region 6 Outstanding K through 12 Educator who made significant contributions to STEM Education
This individual does not require IEEE membership
This award honors pre-university teachers at any level between K and grade 12. This teacher especially promotes STEM, Future City, TISP, SMART, MATH COUNTS, First programs, and Science Olympiad et al. They inspire their young students to enter engineering, science, or math. They assist their students to build projects and enter science fairs.
Nominee’s Information
all are required
Their Name |
daytime phone number |
evening phone number |
email address |
Their complete mailing address |
- List the schools or activities that this individual directly helped
- State why this Nominee deserves recognition. Thoroughly and clearly state the individual’s contributions and accomplishments. Type as much as you need in this box.
- Is there something specific that makes you want to nominate this person over other people?
Endorser 1
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Endorser 2
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 14. Region 6 Outstanding Service and Leadership to the IEEE
This award honors those members who have provided outstanding volunteering services to IEEE sponsored activities.
Nominee’s Information
all are required
Their Name |
IEEE Member Number |
IEEE Member Level |
daytime phone number |
evening phone number |
email address |
Their complete mailing address |
- State why this Nominee deserves recognition. Thoroughly and clearly state the individual’s contributions to their Section, to Region 6, and to the IEEE. List their achievements and accomplishments. Type as much as you need in this box.
- Is there something specific that makes you want to nominate this person over other people?
- What IEEE positions and other responsibilities has the nominee had in the last five+ years that relate to this nomination?
Endorser 1
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Endorser 2
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 15. Region 6 Outstanding Engineer
This award honors those members who have made outstanding technical contributions to the engineering professions.
Nominee’s Information
all are required
Their Name |
IEEE Member Number |
IEEE Member Level |
daytime phone number |
evening phone number |
email address |
Their complete mailing address |
- State why this Nominee deserves recognition. Thoroughly and clearly state the individual’s technical contributions to engineering. List their new technical concepts, significant patents, development of new devices, new applications, new designs, or significant cost reductions using known techniques. Type as much as you need in this box.
- Add the Nominee’s complete CV, list of published papers, and list of patents as a PDF
- If the Nominee has been recognized or honored by any company, university, government, or society then please list all here.
- Is there something specific that makes you want to nominate this person over other people?
- What IEEE positions and other responsibilities has the nominee had in the last five+ years that relate to this nomination?
Endorser 1
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Endorser 2
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.
Award 16. Region 6 Industry Excellence (Individual)
This award will be given to an IEEE MEMBER in private industry who has exhibited the values and mission of IEEE, and has demonstrated excellence in industry OR has led initiatives between IEEE and industry.
Nominee’s Information
all are required
Their Name |
IEEE Member Number |
IEEE Member Level |
daytime phone number |
evening phone number |
email address |
Their complete mailing address |
Criteria (Achievements and Accomplishments)
Do they exhibit core IEEE values? (see below, examples should be included in submission) Y/N
– Integrity & Respect
– Excellence & Impactful Results
– Collaboration
– Leadership & Stewardship
Do they demonstrate excellence and results in their initiatives? Y/N
Do they participate in projects critical to technology success? Y/N
Do they encourage and/or promote collaboration between IEEE and industry? Y/N
Provide details to support the above answers such as examples, previous awards/recognition, or publications.
Endorser 1
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Endorser 2
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number. After you complete the nomination form, you will then need to request two endorsements.
Name |
IEEE Member Number: |
Suggested Citation
The “Suggested Citation” of what will appear on both the plaque and/or the certificate awarded to the recipient(s). The citation should reflect the award criteria and the nominee’s achievement.