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Outstanding Section

This award recognizes the outstanding work of an IEEE Section based on its success in carrying out the objectives of the IEEE through the implementation of the Section’s programs.

Award Category:

Region 6 has two different Section awards (large and small) because a small Section has fewer volunteers and cannot compete with the number of activities of a large Section. We encourage all Section to separately submit a nomination for their section to the IEEE MGA (Member and Geographic Activities) awards website by the same date (May 15). Please note that the MGA divides their Section award into three sizes: Large, Medium, and Small.

The Region 6 Outstanding Section description and criteria are:

To recognize the outstanding work of an IEEE Section based on its success in carrying out the objectives of the IEEE through the implementation of the Section’s programs. In this evaluation, recognition will be given to the successful maintenance of ongoing efforts designed to sustain the basic core activity of the Section and its components as well as recognizing innovative and creative efforts to develop and implement new programs or new entities such as Chapters, Councils, and Affinity Groups.

The IEEE MGA specified criteria are:

For their (Section’s) successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries.

Content required in the online form:

(the forms are the same for the two separate categories)

Section Officers and their information:
Name of the current Section Chair, Section Chair’s daytime phone number, Section Chair’s evening phone number, Section Chair’s email address,
Name of the current Section Vice Chair, Section Vice Chair’s email address,
Name of the current Section Secretary, Section Secretary’s email address,
Name of the current Section Treasurer, Section Treasurer’s email address,
Section Website URL

Is the Section Website up to date? (Y/N)
What information can be found on the Section Website? (check all that apply)

Current executive committee officer names, Officer contact information, Officer headshot photos, Calendar of upcoming meetings and events, Photos from recent events or activities, Information about Chapters, Affinity Groups, and Student Branches in the Section, Links to other IEEE web pages, Section local operating procedures, Section meeting minutes, Social media feeds, Blog, Archives, other ____

Are all units (Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Branches, etc.) within the Section active and have the minimum membership requirement? If not, which units are inactive and what steps has the Section made in an effort to revitalize its under-performing units? (fill in box with details)

What units were newly formed during the previous year, and what is being done to create new groups? (fill in box with details)

Please provide examples of the following types of programs/activities/efforts in which the Section and its units participated. Please do not just list meetings and activities. Be sure to include the benefit/impact to IEEE members and/or the public and be very clear on important accomplishments and why they were meaningful. Discuss what is being done to attract, retain, satisfy, and engage members. Within these areas, please also comment on if/how the programs/efforts:benefited IEEE Student members (e.g., Student Branch Programs) facilitated interface between Higher Grade IEEE members and IEEE Student Branch members facilitated member grade elevations (e.g., Senior Member, Fellow, STEP transition) facilitated improved industrial relations facilitated improved government relations were co-sponsored with other professional/technical organizations:

Community Service Projects that projected positive visibility to IEEE (fill in box with details)

Technical Programs (fill in box with details)

Professional Programs (PACE programs, non-technical programs contributing to members’ careers) (fill in box with details)

Educational Programs (fill in box with details)

Other Programs (fill in box with details)

Does the Section have a Section Awards Chair? (Y/N)
Does the Section have a Section Awards Program? (Y/N)
If Yes, please provide examples of awards presented by the Section and its units to recognize IEEE members, non-members, firms, etc. Include how the recipient was impacted and the goal that was achieved. (fill in the box with details)

Provide examples of awards presented to the Section and its units to recognize individual IEEE members. Include how the recipient was impacted and the goal that was achieved. (fill in box with details)

Compare statistics for Higher Grade membership and Student membership in the Section and its units from this year to the previous year. Please do not just list membership numbers. Please comment on what the number differences mean, and any impacts, triggers, or causes. (fill in box with details)

Describe the methods used to communicate with Section members and the number of times that each method was used last year. (e.g., Section website, electronic newsletter, E-Notice, hardcopy newsletter, postcard). (fill in box with details)

Detail efforts conducted by the Section and its units to recruit new IEEE members and new volunteers. (fill in box with details)

Detail efforts conducted by the Section to recruit and retain Student Members.

Include details on STEP programs and efforts to transition Student Members to Young Professional Members. (fill in box with details)

List any Section governing documents and the last year they were updated (e.g., bylaws, operations manual, guides). Provide web link(s) to governing documents, if applicable. (fill in box with details)

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