Home » Awards » Outstanding IEEE Educator

Outstanding IEEE Educator

Nomination Guidelines

This award honors an IEEE member who regularly lectures or teaches any subject of engineering. Their lectures inspire an appreciation and understanding of their particular technology and they have successfully encouraged students to pursue technical careers or perhaps to attend graduate school of engineering. This may be a faculty member or it may be a Distinguished Lecturer or a private individual.

Remember that all nominations of individuals must include at least two additional people who write recommendations. All must be IEEE members and be in the same Section as the nominee. If the voting awards committee decides that all of the nominations are not up to the standard of this award, then no award of this category will be given this year.

Content required in the online form:

Their Name (fill in box)
IEEE Member Number (fill in box)
IEEE Member Level (fill in box)
daytime phone number (fill in box)
evening phone number (fill in box)
email address (fill in box)
Their complete mailing address (fill in box)

List the schools or activities where this individual lectured (fill in box with details)

State why this Nominee deserves recognition. Thoroughly and clearly state the individual’s contributions and accomplishments. (fill in box with details)

Is there something specific that makes you want to nominate this person over other people? (fill in box with details)

What IEEE positions and other responsibilities has the nominee had in the last five+ years that relate to this nomination? (fill in box with details)

Endorser 1:
Please enter the Endorser’s Name and IEEE member number.
Name (fill in box)
IEEE Member Number: (fill in box)

Endorser 2: same as above

Suggested Citation (fill in a box with details)

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