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IEEE Day 2012

The third annual worldwide IEEE Day will be celebrated on October 2, 2012.

This is the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884.
This year the theme of IEEE Day will be “Engineering the Future and Beyond“.

IEEE Day celebrations can be a social and/or technical event within the Region, your Section, your Student Branch, your Chapter, or your Affinity Group. Anyone can get involved by organizing any kind of event: seminars, technical talks, IEEE speeches, industry visits, online programs, social gathering, pizza parties… or some other event you want to organize.It’s not absolutely necessary to celebrate IEEE Day on October 2, it may be few days before or after.

The IEEE Day website will be running the following networking events:

  • Photo wall of the year: every member will be invited to share a picture showing himself/herself in real action (at laboratory, desk, classroom, with an oscilloscope, posing next to a wind turbine and a transformer, …) or in an IEEE event.

Submit your event in advance at http://www.ieeeday.org/local-events/submit-your-event/ to be added to the events map.

For more details, see www.ieeeday.org

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