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Packaging Chips with CHIPS: West Coast Summit

WHEN: 17 October 2024
WHERE: Skysong at ASU’s Scottsdale Innovation Center, Scottsdale, Arizona
REGISTRATION: https://chips.ieeeusa.org/pcwc-2024/registration/

IEEE-USA/Region 6 event coming up in Scottsdale, Arizona on October 17th  —  Packaging Chips with CHIPS: West Coast Summit.

This Summit will look at the CHIPS Act from the specific perspective of packaging, with a special focus on the west coast.

The Packaging Chips with CHIPS: West Coast Summit is a one-day semi summit that will bring together leading thinkers from chip packaging and design companies, along with government policy makers, to discuss the chip packaging industry in light of the historic CHIPS Act and the Materials-to-Fab Center coming to Arizona State University. Held in-person at Skysong – the Arizona State University’s Scottsdale Innovation Center on 17 October 2024, this event will look at the CHIPS Act from the specific perspective of packaging, with a special focus on the west coast.

The preliminary schedule is here. See the list of speakers here.

Registration is now open.

Who Should Attend?

Industry leaders in and around the computer chip manufacturing industries who want a better idea of how the Chips Act will affect their businesses.

Event and program sponsorship opportunities are available. To find out more or to sign up today, visit the website at: https://chips.ieeeusa.org/pcwc-2024/

If you have any questions about the Summit or would like to find out how to get your company involved with this event, please contact IEEE-USA’s Melissa Carl at m.carl@ieee.org.

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