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IEEE World Technology Summit on AI Infrastructure

AI is the future but needs the
right infrastructure to succeed

November 12-14, 2024
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic now. Please consider attending the first-ever industry-defined IEEE World Technology Summit on AI Infrastructure (WTS), November 12-14, 2024 at the San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA.

Many conferences are about the What of AI. This one is about the How – that is, the underlying infrastructure needed to support AI. This means the silicon, systems, and applications, plus security, standards and regulations to provide the framework for success.

Goldman Sachs estimates that $1 trillion will be spent on AI-related capital expenditures in coming years, including significant investments in data centers, chips, other AI infrastructure, and the power grid.

This is a new conference that is industry-driven, consistent with the IEEE goal concerning Industry Engagement. Improving IEEE’s work with industry has been identified as a key activity for IEEE in general and a priority for IEEE President Tom Coughlin (See “IEEE President’s Note: Let’s Get Practical: Industry and students are critical to the success of IEEE” at https://spectrum.ieee.org/ieee-presidents-note-march-2024)


  • AI Applications – November 13th – Morning Session
  • Silicon for AI – November 13th – Afternoon Session
  • AI Systems Design – November 14th – Morning Session
  • Security and Standards for AI – November 14th – Afternoon Session

See https://wts.ieee.org/schedule/ for detailed schedule

See the website for program details and reduced rate registration open now. https://wts.ieee.org  You may use the following code for an additional 10 percent discount: $Wts65 Early bird deadline is 9/30/24; after 9/30, fee increases by $50.

If you agree this conference will be an important place to communicate about your organization, you may wish to have a table at the event. See https://wts.ieee.org/sponsors/.

Alternatively, there is a zero-cost option to be a Promotional Partner. If you agree, you could be provided another 10 percent discount code for you to share to your constituency and, in return, WTS would add your logo and URL to the Sponsors Page.


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