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IEEE Future Networks World Forum 2022 Call for Papers and Proposals

The 5th IEEE 5G World Forum (now the 2022 Future Networks World Forum – FNWF’22), a hybrid event in Montreal, Canada from 12-14 October, seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate future network technologies and applications beyond 5G. The event is accepting papers and proposals through July 31 in the following areas:

Invited speakers so far include Vint Cerf, Craig Wright, and more! This conference aims to bring experts from industry, academia, and research to exchange their vision as well as their achieved advances in 5G and towards 6G, and encourage innovative cross-domain studies, research, early deployment, and large-scale pilot showcases that address the challenges of 5G while identifying and investigating the possibilities of future networks.

In addition to the Main Paper Tracks, Symposia and Workshops currently accepting papers include:

  • Symposium on 6G Mobile Networks [CFPsubmit]
  • Symposium on Blockchain Future Networks [CFPsubmit]
  • Symposium on Connecting the Un/Under-Connected in 5G and Beyond [CFP| submit]
  • Symposium on IoT & Sensor Networks [CFPsubmit]
  • Symposium on Satellite & Space Communications [CFPsubmit]
  • Symposium on Security for 5G and Future Networks [CFPsubmit]
  • Symposium on Next Generation Networks and Internet [CFPsubmit]
  • Symposium on Optical Communication [CFPsubmit]
  • Symposium on AI/ML-driven Communications [CFPsubmit]
  • Symposium on 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility [CFPsubmit]
  • Workshop: 5G Trials Across Multiple Vertical Industries – From Experiments to Business Validation [CFP | submit]
  • Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Enabled Future Networks: A Cross-layer Perspective [CFP | submit]
  • Workshop on Federated Testbed as a Service for Future Networks: Challenges & the State of the Art [CFP | submit]
  • Workshop on Incorporating Physical Layer Security in 6G Security Protocols [CFP | submit]
  • Workshop on Autonomic/Autonomous Networking and Autonomy in Future Networks, Interoperability & APIs, Progress & Open Challenges in Standards [CFP | submit]
  • International Workshop on AI and Pervasive IoT for sustainable Smart Farming [CFP | submit]
  • NET-GENES22 Workshop – Next Generation Routing and Management Infrastructures in 6G [CFP | submit]

Technical Track Paper Submission: 31 July 2022 (firm)
Symposium Paper Submission: 31 July 2022 (firm)
Workshop Paper Submission: 31 July 2022
Acceptance Notification: 15 August 2022
Camera Ready and Registration: 31 August 2022

Visit the Future Networks World Forum Authors Page for more information and to submit today! https://fnwf.ieee.org/authors/


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