Candidates have been selected for the 2020 IEEE Elections.
The IEEE Elections is where all R6 members vote for: IEEE President-elect, IEEE-USA President-elect and Region 6 Director-elect. Plus, if you are in one or more IEEE Technical Societies, you vote for the VP Technical Activities and Division Directors-elect.
IEEE President-elect
The IEEE Board of Directors has nominated Fellows Ray Liu and S.K. Ramesh as candidates for IEEE president-elect. In addition, Life Fellow Saifur Rahman has been nominated by petition. The candidate elected in this year’s election will serve as IEEE president in 2022. See IEEE Spectrum article on the Board-nominated candidates here.
Ray Liu is an engineering professor at the University of Maryland in College Park. He leads the university’s Signal and Information Group, which researches signal processing and communications.
Liu has held many volunteer positions. He was the 2019 vice president of IEEE Technical Activities. As 2012–2013 president of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, he established a new membership board to offer more benefits to society members—which resulted in increased membership. In 2005 he co-founded the IEEE Signal Processing chapter in Washington, D.C. From 2003 to 2005, he was editor-in-chief of IEEE Signal Processing magazine.
He was also the 2016–2017 Division IX director.
Liu was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2003 “for contributions to algorithms, architectures, and implementations for signal processing.”
He was inducted as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2008 and of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors last year.
He has received numerous IEEE honors and recognitions including the 2009 IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award, the 2014 IEEE Signal Processing Society Award, and the 2016 IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award.
S.K. Ramesh is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at California State University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science in Northridge, where he served as dean from 2006 to 2017. While dean, he created an interdisciplinary master’s degree program in assistive technology engineering to meet emerging workforce needs.
He has served on the IEEE Board of Directors, Awards Board, and Fellows Committee. As the 2016–2017 vice president of IEEE Educational Activities, he championed several successful programs including the IEEE Learning Network and the IEEE TryEngineering Summer Institute.
He expanded chapters globally to serve all 10 regions and increased industry support as the 2016 president of IEEE’s honor society, IEEE-HKN.
Ramesh was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2015 for “contributions to entrepreneurship in engineering education.”
He serves on the ABET Board of Directors, the global accrediting organization for academic programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and technology, and is an experienced program evaluator.
Ramesh has served Region 6 at the section, chapter, and area levels. His many recognitions include the 2004 Region 6 Community Service award, and the 2012 John Guarrera Engineering Educator of the Year award from the Engineers Council.
Professor Saifur Rahman is the founding director of the Advanced Research Institute ( at Virginia Tech, USA where he is the Joseph R. Loring professor of electrical and computer engineering. He also directs the Center for Energy and the Global Environment (
He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Millennium Medal winner. He was the president of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) for 2018 and 2019. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE Electrification Magazine and the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. He has published over 140 journal papers and has made over four hundred conference and invited presentations. In 2006 he served on the IEEE Board of Directors as the vice president for publications.
He is a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE Power & Energy Society and has lectured on renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart grid, energy internet, blockchain, IoT sensor integration, etc. in over 30 countries. He is the founder of BEM Controls, LLC, a Virginia (USA)-based software company providing building energy management solutions.
He served as the chair of the US National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for International Science and Engineering from 2010 to 2013. He has conducted several energy efficiency, blockchain and sensor integration projects for Duke Energy, Tokyo Electric Power Company, the US National Science Foundation, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Energy and the State of Virginia.
IEEE-USA President-elect
The IEEE-USA Board of Directors has nominated Deb Cooper and Keith Moore as candidates for IEEE-USA president-elect. The candidate elected in this year’s election will serve as IEEE-USA president in 2022.
Deborah M Cooper, PE is president and founder of DC Associates, LLC, Reston, VA, an independent consulting firm specializing in Cybersecurity and has served on many industry and government advisory boards. Past positions include: Director, INFOSEC Business Development and Program Planning, Director of Advanced Technology, Director of Formal Methods at Unisys and System Development Corporation; and Principal, Cyber Technology at Booz Allen Hamilton. Cooper graduated with honors from UCLA. While studying for her doctorate, Cooper created a database management system adopted for use at all University of California campuses and was awarded a University of California Administrative Fellowship. In 1989, she received the Unisys President’s Award for Technical Excellence.
Cooper is past IEEE Computer Society president, Division Director V, MGA Treasurer, and past board member of IEEE-USA, MGA, Technical Activities, Publication Services and Products and past guest editor for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and IEEE Software, and editorial board member for IEEE Security & Privacy.
KEITH A. MOORE, PE is a Senior Engineer with the US Army Information Systems Engineering Command at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, USA
“I have been a member and volunteer at multiple levels of IEEE for decades, and I am excited about the future of the organization.
As engineers and technology professionals working in the United States, IEEE-USA has a special role to play in our professions and careers.
We each have unique opportunities to serve humanity with boldness and integrity, and we can work toward those ends together.
Let’s work together to Provide for Future Leader Development, Prepare Members to Engage in Advancement of Technology, Encourage and Enable the Next Generation, and Support Engineers and Technologists to Create and Build the Future!
My campaign site is, and I can answer your questions at:
I don’t hold to manifest destiny, fairy tales, or stories about money, but I thank you for your vote!”
R6 Director-elect
The Region 6 OpCom has nominated Scott Tamashiro, Chris Gunning and Kathy Herring Hayashi as candidates for R6 Director-elect. The candidate elected in this year’s election will serve as Director-elect from 2021-22 and as Region 6 Director in 2023-24.

Chris Gunning is a senior software architect at HP, Inc. in Boise, Idaho working on MFP and printer product development. He has been with HP for over 25 years leading, training, and working with multi-discipline teams and external partners to deliver products that create business value and delight customers. Prior to that, he served ten years as a US Air Force commissioned officer in a variety of engineering positions in Dayton, Ohio and Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is an inventor on twenty U.S. patents, primarily in hardcopy device technology and device security.
Chris holds a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford.
Chris will be retiring from HP in 2020.
Chris lives in Boise with his wife and a very spoiled cat. They have three grown daughters. In his free time, he enjoys alpine skiing, road and mountain biking, and camping.
Chris’ IEEE roles include: member, IEEE MGA IT Coordination and Oversight (ITCO) Committee – 2020-Present; member, IEEE MGA vTools Committee – 2018-2019; Chair, OU Analytics User Group – 2018-Present; past Chair, IEEE Boise Section – 2010-2011; Area Chair, IEEE Region 6 Northeast Area – 2015-2017.
See and Candidate statement (PDF)
Scott Tamashiro is Sr. Principal Systems Engineer at Raytheon Technologies in Cerritos, California. He holds a BSEE with a Math Minor from Cal Poly Pomona and a MSEE from the University of Southern California. He has 21 years of experience in the field of reliability and maintainability analysis of a variety of ground, space, and airborne systems. He is a Raytheon Subject Matter Expert & Six Sigma Specialist and ASQ Certified Reliability Engineer. He also teaches for USC’s System Safety Certificate Program.
Scott currently serves as IEEE-USA Secretary/Treasurer after being an active member of Region 6’s OpCom from 2007-2018. He enjoys volunteering and his past committee and representative efforts have spanned local, regional, technical activities, IEEE-USA, MGA, Young Professionals, and Standards. He also loves to spend time with his wife and two kids at home or visiting somewhere new. He is also the head statistician for the local professional soccer club.
Scott’s IEEE roles include: MGA Geographic Unit Operations Support (2020), IEEE Finance Committee (2018-2020), IEEE-USA Treasurer (2018-2020), IEEE-USA Member-at-Large (2015-2016), Region 6 Treasurer (2015-2018), GHTC Registration Chair (2014-2020), Rising Stars Committee (2014-2017). He is the recipient of the R6 Directors Special Award for outstanding service.
See and Candidate statement (PDF)
Kathy Herring Hayashi is a Senior Staff Engineer at Qualcomm in San Diego. Kathy has been involved in the semiconductor industry her entire career – developing, deploying and analyzing advanced software tools used to create computer and mobile phone chips. At Unisys Corporation, she worked in research and development designing advanced in-house CAD software tools. Through acquisition, she transitioned to Cadence Design Systems where some previous tools were incorporated into commercial EDA tools. She then brought her professional leadership as Director at Syntricity, a San Diego based semiconductor startup.
Kathy has held a variety of leadership roles in technical development, applications engineering and information technology. She currently works at Qualcomm Inc., working with semiconductor workflows in large scale compute environments.
Kathy is on the Executive Board for the San Diego Dance Theater and has been on Technical Advisory Boards for local community colleges. She is also a member of a San Diego Athena Forum for Executive Women.
Kathy’s IEEE roles include: IEEE San Diego Section, Chair (2019-present), IEEE Women in Engineering Region 6 Coordinator (2017-2019), IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference, Chair (2019-2020), Vice-Chair (2017-2018). She is the recipient of the 2019 MGA Innovation Award for outstanding innovation and leadership.
See and Candidate statement (PDF)