Tom kicks off the Region 6 OpCom meeting.
Tom and Bob kick off the joint R4 & R6 meeting.
Tom presents Mike with a gavel award
Tom and Mike hand out our new Region 6 shirts.
Barry Shoop presents his perspectives on IEEE and plans for the future.
IEEE member statistics relative to other relevant societies.
Cecelia Jankowski presents her plans for the IEEE.
Chris presents the MGA strategy and resources.
John presents vTools
Karen Bartleson presents her position for 2016 IEEE President-Elect
Fred Mintzer presents his position for 2016 IEEE President-Elect
Wai-Choong (Lawrence) Wong presents his strategy for MGA
Jim Jeffries presents his strategies for IEEE-USA
Karen Pederson presents her position for IEEE-USA President-Elect
Keith Grzelak presents his position for IEEE-USA President-Elect