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Webinar – An Ocean of Data – part of “Blue Marvel” Series

In a collaboration of the US National Science Foundation, the IEEE and the Group on Earth Observations, the NSF-funded Ocean Research Collaboration Network is proud to announce the next webinar in the series “Blue Marvel – Ocean Mysteries” will be “An Ocean of Data” by Simon Allen, CSIRO, Australia.

The webinar will be broadcast Tuesday, June 25 2013 23:00 UTC (7PM EDT, 4PT PDT; 9AM Sydney 26 June).
Register for the seminar at www.oceanmysteries.net. Registration is required. There is no charge.

Simon will present a review of future approaches to marine data collection, discovery and visualization options. For this, he will look at new technologies and why despite the data deluge we just cannot find the data we are looking for in the ocean, let alone visualize it. The talk will move us in from the deep ocean into the coastal zone which is under pressure from the 37% of the global population that live in the coastal strip (<100km from the coast). Simon will look at the problems associated with data collection and critically assess our ability to monitor change in this high energy, highly modified coastal environment.

Simon Allen is a research leader with the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), where he specializes in “understanding our coastal systems.” Simon first went to sea as a “deckie learner” on a trawler at the age of fourteen, joined the Navy as a Seaman Officer at 18 and embarked on career as a non-military hydrographer at the age of 24. After fifteen years mapping and building offshore oilfields, Simon moved to Australia in 2004 working for CSIRO Marine Research Division. From 2007 to 2012 Simon was Technical Director for Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) during which time he was awarded the Marine Technology Society International Award. In 2012, Simon changed his focus to the coast and now sends his research time examining better ways to observe our coastal waters.

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