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6th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability Call for Papers

6th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech 2018) Call for Papers


SusTech 2018 will be held in Long Beach, CA. on November 11-13, 2018.

SusTech is designed to explore the development and application of science, engineering and technology in achieving a sustainable lifestyle for humanity. It brings together scientists, engineers, technologists and scholars from multiple disciplines to hold a dialogue on environmental issues and collaborate on ideas to develop and utilize innovative tools and intelligent systems to address them. Attendees will learn about the tools, connections and proactive solutions to take their sustainability programs to the next level.

SusTech 2018 will feature technical papers, posters and workshops. A number of prominent experts will be giving keynote addresses, plenary presentations and invited talks. Best Posters and Papers in the conference will be eligible for an award. Full papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

For details on the topics, see the Call for Papers http://sites.ieee.org/sustech/call-for-papers/

Abstracts are solicited for both oral and (student) poster presentations from industry, government and academia (including students) covering relevant research, technologies, methodologies, tools and case studies. Topics with policy implications are also welcome. Poster presentations this year will be limited to students.

Instructions to Authors: Submit in PDF form, a two page (extended) abstract of the poster or paper for oral presentation via the SusTech 2018 website. For information for authors, please visit the conference website at http://ieee.org/sustech/. Select Authors tab and follow the instructions there.

Abstract submission deadline 14-April-2018.
Full paper submission deadline 1-July
Final paper submission deadline 31-August

SusTech 2018 is sponsored by: the IEEE San Fernando Valley, Coastal Los Angeles, Foothill, Phoenix and Oregon Sections; IEEE Region 6; IEEE-USA; and co-sponsored by the IEEE Environmental Engineering Initiative, CES, and SSIT, with IAS and PES expected.



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